I haven't posted in a long time, which is a shame because I've enjoyed writing the few posts I've made, and I've even had a couple of things I should really have blogged about.
So when Doncaster beer festival came around, which is my local festival, I thought I'd better get back in the saddle.
Even though it is my local festival, I've never been able to attend, because of other commitments, and as I was free on the first night I thought a visit would be in order.
This year's theme was brewsters (female brewers) a large selection of brewster brewed (around 45) beers were available, including Town Crier Stout, brewed by Alison the assistant brewster at Doncaster Brewery, this was her first beer, and I'm looking forward to her next. It was good to see women in beer championed in such a positive way.
Talking about the beer, at over 100 beers available, this wasn't the biggest festival I've seen, but the list seemed to be well thought out, with milds through to hop bomb IPAS on offer. All the beers were gravity fed, which isn't my favourite delivery method, leaving the beer a bit lifeless in my opinion, the beer was however well kept.
Overall I really enjoyed the festival, and I will try and attend next year, and I would recommend that you give it a try too.